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Instructions for the use of axis fa

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Update time : 2024-06-30

It means that the axis direction of the normal airflow and the blades is consistent, such as power -powered, and the outside of the air conditioner is axis flow.It is called "axis flow" because gas flows parallel in the axis.Axial flow is often used in applications that require large flow and low pressure.Axial flow can be divided into steel, corrosion, PVC and stainless steel.Axial flow is widely used for ventilation or increased heat dissipation such as metallurgy, chemical industry, light industry, food, medical equipment, machinery and equipment, civil buildings, etc.If you remove the case, it can also be used as freedom or comparison.Long -line installation to increase the inner wind pressure.
1. For the axis fans, the general personal proposal is more than 20%.When running at a small openness, pay attention to the change rate of the vibration speed (or amplitude) of the wind turbine to make the corresponding adjustment.If the vibration is abnormal (exceeding the alarm value), the front guide should be adjusted until the vibration is normal.
2. It is not allowed to operate when the front isolation door or the rear isolation door is closed (this will cause the fan to breathe).The fan can be started when the isolated door is closed, but it should be quickly opened to open the isolation door after starting.
3. When shutting down, the door is not allowed to be closed immediately after the main motor is turned off.The front and rear isolation doors should be closed after the fan stops (or the main motor is powered off for 5-10 minutes).
4. When a bearing fan is used as a desulfurization supercharged fan, if the desulfurization system is separately debugged, the entrance flue isolation door of the supercharged fan should be closed, and the auxiliary fan and the inlet flue isolation door should be deleted.For pipelines, its circular flow area shall not be less than the normal flow area of ??the pipeline.
5. The entrance to and out of the fans should be installed before and after the entrance pipeline.If the isolation door is not installed, once the service of the desulfurization islands, the condensation steam of the desulfurization system will be inverted back to an increased fan to form corrosive acids and cause an important part of the auxiliary blossom corrosion (such as the viary leaves, impeller, etc.) in front, which will cause serious consequencesEssence
6. Before re -start the supercharged fan after a stop, the adjustable front -guided leaves of the fan must be cleaned (cleaned) and check the wear and corrosion.
7. For the axis fans, it is generally recommended to open the front and more than 20%.
8. It is not allowed to operate when the front isolation door or the rear isolation door is closed (causing the fan to "asthma").
9. When shutting down, the door is not allowed to be immediately closed immediately after turning off the main motor.The front and rear isolation doors cannot be closed before the fan stops.
The above is the instructions for the use of axis flowers

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