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What are the characteristics of tall spacheating scmes

Views : 768
Update time : 2024-06-30

1. Mature technology: Radiation board heating. As a workshop heating method, my country is widely used in the early days of the founding of the Peoples Republic of China. It is only due to the use of steel pipes and serious corrosion. In addition use.In recent years, with the entry of foreign companies, they have also introduced their hot water ceiling radiation board to China, and the use effect is good.Therefore, the radiation board heating method is mature technology, not innovation.
Second, the process is reliable: The water leakage of the radiation board used in my country is caused by the poor control of water quality and poor product quality. The current radiation board is made of copper tube, which fundamentally solves the problem of corrosion.In particular, the copper tube card pressure technology is used to avoid the production of welding stress.The quality of the product is guaranteed from the craftsmanship.
3. Uniform thermal source: The existing heating system is used as a thermal source, and the steam boiler does not need to increase the gas to increase the gas.
The above is the characteristics of high space heating. If you want to know more about related issues, please pay more attention to us- ——

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